Monday, October 22, 2018

A Conversation with Photographer Eric Hsu

I recently had the pleasure of getting in contact with Eric Hsu, a street photographer based in NYC. When I went to Photoville last month, I saw his work for the first time and was immediately intrigued, then later decided to follow him on Instagram. Eric seemed like the perfect candidate for my "Admiration Outreach" assignment as I'd never met him before, yet loved his work and was able to find a way to reach out to him through social media.
Eric is self-taught and currently focusing on film photography and using manual cameras. He draws inspiration from photographic legend Helen Levitt. Levitt is a classic street photographer noted for her brilliant shots of life in NYC. When scrolling through Eric's Instagram, you can see how that inspiration translated into his own work. His shots are beautifully articulated and visually interesting. There is a distinct color pallet that carries you through every photograph.
credit: Eric Hsu
As far as getting established out in the world of photography, Eric gives credit to three main tools: Instagram, his website, and photo groups. He uses Instagram as an outlet to connect to people and "reach a larger audience"; his website to showcase his best work and provide the best ways to contact him; and photo groups to meet other photographers in person, learn from them, and gain exposure for his work. These, in tandem, helped him be both accessible and noticed in the photo world, hence how I was able to find his work.
I always find it interesting whether or not the photographers I look up to have had a formal education in the craft, so I asked Eric about his educational background. He studied bioengineering in school and has a full-time job apart from photography. He told me that he improved his technique and skill by "starting with the basics, practicing, and experimenting." Eric also emphasized to not hesitate when taking a photo and "just go for it."
Eric was very kind and helpful when answering my questions and provided a lot of insight into his experience in the photo industry.

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