Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Reaction Paper #1: Jim Lennon Studio Visit

On September 26, I had the opportunity to visit professional photographer Jim Lennon's studio in Hauppauge with my Photography Seminar class. Right off the bat, it was completely different than I expected. I went into his studio anticipating a wide-open, white space with soft box lights and cameras all over the place. I expected the stereotypical photography studio in the movies, so just from walking in I had already learned so much.
In his studio, there were both film and digital equipment, the majority of the latter. I also noticed a light box, loupes, and color slides as I walked around which, to me, was extremely exciting because I am quite the film lover myself. In addition, he had computers everywhere ready to be worked on and backdrops rolled up in so many colors I lost count.
What surprised me the most though was the kitchen. It was so interesting to see such an expansive kitchen set in the studio of a photographer who didn't primarily do food work. I loved the feel of it. The entire space had this sort of homey feeling, which I'm sure is very comforting to clients and models that visit.
For the hour or so that we were there, Lennon spoke to us about what it's like to be in the photography business. He didn't sugarcoat anything either. He explained both the money aspect of the profession, and the production side. Lennon gave us aspiring professionals an insight on how much work goes into preparing for a shoot and also what goes on in post-production.
All together, visiting Jim Lennon's studio was a very rewarding experience and taught me about what I should expect when going into a career in photography.

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